Editorial Team


Luuk Van Waes, University of Antwerp, Belgium - Front room editor
Mark Torrance, Nottingham Trent University, UK - Back room editor

Chris Anson, North Carolina State University, USA
Renske Bouwer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen, Iowa State University, USA
Scott Crossley, Georgia State University, USA
Montserrat Castelló, Ramon Llull University, Spain
Victoria Johansson, Lund University, Sweden
Thierry Olive, University of Poitiers, France
Afra Sturm, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern,  Switzerland

Book review editors

Nina Vandermeulen, Umea University, Sweden

Editorial Board


Joachim Grabowski, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
Åsa Wengelin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

EARLI Sig Writing Representatives 

Cerstin Mahlow, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Switzerland
Ioannis Dimakos, University of Patras, Greece
Nina Vandermeulen, University of Antwerp, Belgium


Linda Allal, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Charles Bazerman, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Céline Beaudet, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Pietro Boscolo, University of Padova, Italy
Lucile Chanquoy, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, France
Menno de Jong, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Michel Fayol, University Blaise Pascal et CNRS Paris, France
Steve Graham, Arizona State University, USA
Jesús-Nicasio García-Sánchez, University of León, Spain
John Hayes, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Geert Jacobs, University of Ghent, Belgium
Daniël Janssen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Franck Ganier, University of Brest, France
Ronald Kellogg, University of St. Louis, USA
Trianfillia Kostouli, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Guido Nottbush, University of Potsdam, Germany
Judy Parr, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Sylvie Plane, IUFM – Paris, France
Lotte Rienecker, Akademisk Skrivecenter, Denmark
Ted Sanders, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Mark Shum, University of Hong Kong
Marie Stevenson, University of Sydney, Australia
Liliana Tolchinsky, University of Barcelona, Spain
Huub van den Bergh, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Junju Wang, Shandong University, P.R. China

Former editors

Denis Alamargot, University of Paris-Est Créteil, France
David Galbraith, University of Southampton, UK
Steve Graham, Arizona State University, USA
Rosa Manchón, University of Murcia, Spain
Charles MacArthur, University of Delaware, USA
Christine Neuwirth, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Judy Parr, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Gert Rijlaarsdam, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Alessandra Rossetti, Free University Brussels, Belgium
Elke Van Steendam, KU Leuven, Belgium

Language editors

Alasdair Archibald, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Christiane Donahue, University of Maine-Farmington & Univ. of Lille III, France
Joseph Little, Niagara University, USA
Rob Oliver, Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom
Mya Poe, Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tom Quinlan, ECTS, Princeton, USA
Daphne van Weijen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Formatting editors

Kajsa Gullberg (Lund University, Sweden)
Fien De Smedt (Ghent University, Belgium)
Aline Alves-Wold (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Laura Mendoza (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Tine Mombaers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Danijela Vranjes (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Social media manager

Nina Vandermeulen, Umea University, Sweden


Mariëlle Leijten, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Web master

Luuk Van Waes, University of Antwerp, Belgium