“With a little help from my friends”: Effects of a self-reflection tool and social interaction on orthographic performance


  • Cristina Silva ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Lisbon | Portugal
  • Francisco Peixoto ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Lisbon | Portugal https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7193-2284
  • Liliana Salvador ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Lisbon | Portugal


spelling acquisition, orthographical rules, social interaction, explicit orthographic representations


This study investigates the impact of peer orthographic revision using a self-reflection tool on orthographic performance in order to improve the understanding and applying of phonological, contextual and morphological rules in third-grade students. Children were assigned to one of three groups: two experimental groups (individual group, dyadic interaction group) and a control group. In the experimental training programme, a self-correction orthographic rubric was used, but while children in the individual group self-corrected the words, children in the dyadic interaction group did it in pairs and interacted in a way such that they should always reach an agreement on the correct spelling. The results showed that although both experimental groups decreased the number of misspellings in the post-test, the dyadic interaction group had the best results, differing significantly from the others, suggesting that self-correction strategies based on rubrics that explicitly display orthographical rules along with collaborative peer learning have a very positive impact on orthographic.


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How to Cite

Silva, C., Peixoto, F., & Salvador, L. (2024). “With a little help from my friends”: Effects of a self-reflection tool and social interaction on orthographic performance. Journal of Writing Research. Retrieved from https://www.jowr.org/pkp/ojs/index.php/jowr/article/view/865


