The dimensionality of writing and reading fluency and its impact on comprehension and composition
writing fluency, reading fluency, writing competence, reading competence, structural equation modelAbstract
Based on the theory of automated and controlled processing of fluency and Levelt's theory of speech production, writing fluency and reading fluency were each defined as two-dimensional constructs. Writing fluency is composed of automatised transcription and attention-demanding translation, while reading fluency is composed of automatised reading speed and controlled prosodic reading. The study investigates how these constructs can be measured, how they interact and what influence they have on higher hierarchical processes of writing and reading. For this purpose, different measurement instruments were developed and existing instruments were used. Using these instruments and different variables on cognitive resources such as memory and motor skills, we applied a structural equation model to the data of a total of 145 fourth, sixth and ninth graders. The model showed a good fit to the data. Furthermore, the instruments showed high factor loadings on the respective latent factors. With the use of the model, a medium correlation was found between the two factors of writing fluency as well as between the two factors of reading fluency. There was also a strong influence of writing fluency and reading fluency on higher order skills. The understanding of these relationships is particularly important for the creation of training programs for writing and reading fluency.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Markus Linnemann, Sabine Stephany, Valerie Lemke, Necle Bulut, Hilde Haider, Hans-Joachim Roth, Michael Becher-Mrotzek

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